How I decommissioned all empty rocket boosters from my life

Tsvetan Petrov
2 min readMar 14, 2022

Dear reader,

The past is there to give us experience, not to create bigger air resistance.

What you are going to read is a concept that I thought of a couple of years back with my wife while we were trying to improve and become a better version of ourselves.

I know that some of you are familiar with the term “rocket booster” but for the ones that are not, here is a snippet and a link to a Wikipedia page:

A booster rocket (or engine) is either the first stage of a multistage launch vehicle, or else a shorter-burning rocket used in parallel with longer-burning sustainer rockets to augment the space vehicle’s takeoff thrust and payload capability.

Or in short, something that helps you go from point A to point B.

What happens when you get to point B? Then you will go to point C and so on and so forth.

And then one morning when I was somewhere around checkpoint J and I realized that I was still carrying what should have been in the past.

Why do I still have the first, the third, and the fifth boosters, still attached to my backpack?

Did I need them to make my life hard and heavy?

Did I need them to create more air resistance than was needed?

No, but I got used to them… They were comfy, always there to hear my voice. So helpful in reminding me of how I felt back then at point B or C. Not just reminding, but at some point even stopping me from moving forward in life.

But why?

When I asked myself this question I realized what has happened. Part of mine lived in the past.

This part convinced my brain that this is the best I can do. The farthest I can go.

Was I at my best? Was my brain right to think so? No!

At this moment I decided simply to let the boosters go and continue to point K.

